Joey T's Featured DHPF
December 2022
We are proud to announce, Edgar Reyes from La Grange Park, IL
Name: Edgar Reyes
Currently resides in: La Grange Park, IL
Q: What city/state were you born and raised in?
A: I was born in Tonala Chiapas Mexico. I moved at the age of 4 to Morelia Michoacan Mexico, and been in Chicago since 1993
Q: What is your earliest memory of being a Packer fan?
A: When Brett Favre played vs Atlanta in what happened to be the last game at Milwaukee stadium.
Q: Do you catch a lot of slack reppin’ the Pack in the Chicago area? How are you able to overcome that?
A: I do, but since the Packers have been a better team in every aspect there is always an easy comeback to their comments and they always leave with their tales in between their legs..lol
Q: How did you become such a huge Packer Fan?
A: Since I can remember, and throughout the years there is always been amazing players in this organization. Being a person who always loved sports and always wanted to perform my best, I found a very strong allegiance with the team. Plus in my opinion, they are not just another team, along with the Bears what I consider the foundation of what nowadays is the NFL, with an incredibly rich history.
Q: You obviously have an enormous love for Star Wars. Tell us about that and how did your Pack Vader costume evolve?
A: Lol…The funny thing is that I am not that crazy about Star Wars. The very first time I attended Lambeau Field was a very special occasion. That little Mexican kid that grew up watching so many games finally was about to experience the dream of his life. And what made that experience even better was seeing a hand full of fans outside the stadium dressed up as different characters shanking hands and getting pictures with the fans. Eventually, I was able to attend games on a regular basis and I decided to do the same thing for other fans and make their experience at Lambeau an incredible one!! So my son who is the one that really was into Star Wars suggested I dress as Darth Vader because he thought I was very strict and always expected the best and more out of him, so he somehow find a similitude between the way I was and Darth Vader to which I agreed. And that is how Pack Vader came to life…lol
Q: Do you ever take the Pack Vader mask off or do you leave it on the entire time? Also, do people ever ask you to take the mask off?
A: No, the helmet stays on all the time. For no particular reason, I just think that’s the way it ought to be when I am at Lambeau. Yes, every now and then people (especially if they are drunk) are curious about what does the guy behind the mask look like and they ask me to take it off, but of course, that ain’t happening.
Q: How many Packer games do you try to attend a year?
A: Mostly, I go to every home game unless it lands on a holiday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year. I religiously follow Vince Lombardi’s moto: GOD, Family, and Packers in that order.
Q: Do you ever have to stop taking photos with people or do you ever get tired of it?
A: Never to both. As I said the whole purpose is to make people’s experience a better one so for as long as I am at or around the stadium, I will always say yes to a photo request. And no, it’s an honor for me when fans ask me to get a picture taken with them so no I never get tired of doing it.
Q: When was the first time you were photographed and approximately how many times have you been put on Television?
A: I can’t recall when the first time I was photographed. And not to sound cocky I’ve had my 10 seconds of fame on national TV several times so I honestly can’t tell you. Sorry!
Q: Who is your all-time favorite player?
A: Reggie White!!
Q: Who is your favorite player now and why?
A: Aaron Rodgers, how as a sports person I identify myself with him 100% in how he feels about being competitive, success and failure.
Q: Have you met any players past or present? If so, who impacted you the most?
A: Mr. Dave Robinson, Donald Driver, Jerry Kramer, Leroy Butler, Davante Adams, Ha Ha Clinton Dix, Marv Fleming. Donald Driver is the one who impacted me the most. A very kind and humble guy despite the fact that he is a superstar, his history and background are unique and how he overcome all adversities is really inspiring. In a few words a really down-to-earth human being.
Q: Do you have any game-day rituals or superstitions?
A: No rituals and no superstition either, Sorry…. lol
Q: What would be your most valued piece of memorabilia? (non-monetary)
A: A Green Bay hat that Donald Driver signed for me even though I was told that he wasn’t singing anything on that particular occasion. He kindly agreed on doing it and it’s my very first collection piece dedicated to Pack Vader!!
Q: How did you become so close with the Lot 1 family?
A: They’ve been very kind and friendly to me since the very beginning and each and every one of them has made me feel welcome and part of the Packers family.
Q: Any last words you would like to say to Packer Nation?
A: I would like to thank each and every one who has supported me throughout the past years by requesting my friendship on social media, by approaching me and asking me to get a picture together at the stadium, by letting me know how exciting it was to see me on TV, etc, etc… You are the reason why Pack Vader is still around. Last but not least, I want to remind you that being a member of the Packers is a unique and wonderful experience, with good and bad seasons. Players coming and going, good times outside the stadium tailgating. All is good and all, but nothing beats the words of the greatest coach Vince Lombardi: GOD, Family, and The Green Bay Packers! In that order!!
GOD bless and always GO PACK GO!!