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Joey T\'s DHPF of the Month

March 2016

We are proud to announce, Jeff Kahlow – aka Tundra Man from Fond du Lac, WI

Jeff Kahlow

Name Jeff Kahlow aka “Tundra Man”

Residence:  Fond du Lac, WI

Q: How and when did you officially become a Packer Fan?

A: It began back in 1967, when I was 7 years old.  I remember watching my Dad go from happy to irate all in a matter of minutes as he watched the game on TV.  Some of my favorite memories were watching the Packer games with my Dad.  He also encouraged me to play football in the backyard with all my friends.

Q: Tell us how you came up with Tundra Man?

A: I have always had a creative side and started making over the top head wear and clothing for my friends and family. After seeing all the attention they were receiving at the games, I decided to make something for myself. Several ideas came to mind and I didn’t want to copy other things that were already out there. Ever since the Ice Bowl, the words “Frozen Tundra” has been historic and iconic at Lambeau Field. In 2002, that is when “Tundra Man” was conceived.

Q: We understand that four out of your six family members are in the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame. Can you explain the evolution of how that happened?  

A: In 2004, the Packers added a section to their Hall of Fame called “Titletowns Finest.” It was a display dedicated towards Packer Fans and their memorabilia. Our Family submitted many items hoping they would be interested in a few.  Approximately 2 weeks later, I received a letter back, they inducted 4 hats along with several 8×10” photos of my children.  They also had their Game day outfits on display.

Q: Tell us about your involvement in Cheeseheads: The Documentary.

A: In 2012, I was contacted by John Mitchell (director of Cheeseheads: The Documentary.) He planned on creating a film about the great state of Wisconsin. He wanted to know more about my novelty headwear and how I created it. After several visits, I am now part of this historic documentary.  What an honor! Thank you so much John!

Q: Could you explain how you were picked and your participation in the movie The 60 yard Line?

A: This past October, Executive Producer Ryan Churchill asked me if I would be willing to Dress up as “Tundra Man” and be part of the casting for his film.  At first, I did not want to do it because of the work involved with my outfit. I have approximately 2lbs of icicles that need to be hot glued to my face and beard, along with some hair.  It’s a big sacrifice because I tend to save my beard for Game days. After each game, I need to cut and remove all the hot glue from my face. Come playoff time, most of my beard is gone by then and I end up gluing them straight onto my face. Yeah it stings, but oh so worth it! My casting was basically a tailgating scene, which takes place in the front yard of the house. If Tundra Man makes the cut, my only part in the movie will be short.

My only line to say was “How ya doing man!”

Q: Do you have a Packers man cave or collect memorabilia? If so, what are some of the most unique items? What is   your favorite?

A: I guess you could say my workshop is my man cave.  All four walls are plastered with photographs of Packers players and fans, mainly wearing my headwear. I also have a full size room inside the house, loaded with hundreds of 8×10” Photographs most of them autographed and framed.  My upstairs consists of all the large framed memorabilia (poster size) my most unique and favorite item is priceless, it’s my wife! You weren’t expecting that now were you?? It’s simple, I could not do what I do without her.  :-))

Q: What year did ESPN nominate you for “Wisconsin\’s Ultimate Packers Fan\”?  What does that entail?

A: I was nominated in November of 2002. It was a statewide contest for all avid Packer Fans. It was based on the following criteria.

     1. Originality and Creativity.

     2. Relevance to the Green Bay Packers.

     3. Enthusiasm and Team Spirit.

Out of 500 Entries, they whittled it down to the Top 5 finalist. Finals took place at Brett Favre’s steakhouse in Green Bay. I took first place and was nominated as Wisconsin’s Ultimate Packers Fan.

Q: Tell us about being on the field and participating with Fox and CBS?

A: Fourteen years ago, I received a call from Jimmy Kimmons of CBS Sports. He was interested in doing a story about my hat creations and wanted it to be aired during the Packer/Steelers game. (I basically carried his remote camera lens for him) He also introduced me to Donnie Cornelli of FOX Sports. A few years later, Donnie asked me to help out being on Lambeau Field. Being on Lambeau field itself is a dream come true, but helping out with CBS and FOX Sports during Packer games is the highlight of my year, hands down!

Q: You started a foam hat design company called Big Guy Hats. How did that evolve and what inspired you?  

A: This will be my 20th year of carving foam headwear. They are made from polyurethane foam, individually hand carved and airbrush painted.  No two are the same which makes them unique.  Through the years, I was able to create custom headwear for hundreds of celebrities and sports figures from around the globe. John Travolta, Harrison Ford, Willie Nelson, Jay Leno, George Lucas,Ted Nugent, Toby Keith and Ringo Starr, just to name a few. I was featured on ABC\’S SHARK TANK in 2011, which ultimately landed me a deal with Mark Cuban and Daymond John. The hats have been featured on numerous television shows/sporting/events/magazines/newspapers, etc… Seeing people smile and having fun with the hats FUELS the FIRE in me.

Q: If you had to choose from one of the hats you created, which would be your favorite? Out of all the celebrities you made a hat for, which one do you like most?

A: Probably the hat I created for President George W Bush. A 4 ft. tall Red, White and Blue Republican elephant, strangling a democratic donkey!  It was hand delivered to the President himself. Honestly, every single hat that I\’m able to make for a celebrity, is a personal favorite.  So that in itself makes it really hard to choose. I guess if I really had to dissect it, the rock band KISS was hard to beat. Being able to deliver all 4 hats to Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley was pretty awesome!

Q: Do you attend all the home games at Lambeau Field? How often do you attend an away game?  

A: Despite having 2 jobs, 4 children, a beautiful wife and a hobby farm, I attend almost every home game at Lambeau.  Preseason games are for the entire family because it\’s much more affordable. I attend all the regular season games by myself (single seat) If I’m working the field with CBS or FOX, I will give the seat to a family member. During the months of Aug-Sept-October, I wear a Packer foam hat to the games. Nov-Dec-January is \”Frozen Tundra time!”  

Q: Any last words you\’d like to say to the Packer Nation?

A: Always be proud of the GREEN n\’ GOLD! if you look back at the history of our Green Bay Packers, it\’s second to none.  It should give you chills just knowing all the players that graced the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field.

Everything about the players, the Organization and so on is top brass–